Železnice 4.0 (Railway 4.0) is a university project of CTU in Prague – it is a comprehensive approach to the modernisation and digitalisation of the Czech railway infrastructure.
- Author: Sdružení pro dopravní telematiku (SDT)
- In 2015, the ITS-R working group was established under SDT, which created a position paper position paper on the development of telematics on rail.
- It is a strategic document of the Ministry of Transport
- Equipment of vehicles with ETCS and ATO
- Use of GSM-R / FRMCS / 4G / 5G communication technologies
- Train running and logistics process optimisation
- Another output of the ITS-R group was the Implementation Plan of Action Plan of the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic until 2020 (with a view to 2050).
- It was approved by Resolution No. 538 of the Government of the Czech Republic of 15 June 2016
- It is a follow-up strategic document of the Transport Policy of the Czech Republic for the period 2014 – 2020 (with a view to 2050)
- Author: doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
- Created within the Safety Comission of the Ministry of Transport (after the tragic accident at Pernink railway station)
- Here the requirement was expressed to equip all lines with ETCS by 2040
- Railway 4.0 is the means to achieve this goal
- Railway 4.0 concept is a vision of digital railway in CZ
- It is a It is a technological elaboration of ITS-R
- It builds on the foundations defined by ITS-R
- Comprehensive infrastructure modernisation plan
- Financially feasible approach with high added value
- Line transmission and power supply networks
Consisting mainly of optical communication and metallic power cables, which form the backbone infrastructure
- Voice and data communication
Enables data and voice communication with on-board technologies, staff, and passengers on board the train
- Object controllers
Universal programmable element, ensuring the execution of input/output commands controlled by an integrated security device
- Integral interlocking system
Centralized logic of all control and security functions, principally integrating the function of PZZ, TZZ, SZZ, RBC
- Superior operational and dispatch control of traffic
Connection to systems enabling remote traffic control and technology management
A comprehensive approach to modernisation
The concept represents a comprehensive renewal of the railway infrastructure with a subsequent implementation procedure:
- Creation of network plans with the exact location of all field elements
- Construction of backbone line infrastructure - optical and power lines
- Location of external technology elements - OC and BTS
Great possibilities at comparable costs to today
CTU in Prague carried out a cost calculation for the implementation of the Railways 4.0 concept with the following results:
- The project is feasible with the amount of funds allocated by the Ministry of Transport for the implementation of ETCS and GSM-R for the entire network by 2040.
- The cost is comparable to the cost of building conventional systems, which, however, have only limited functionality.
- Significant savings can be achieved due to the following factors:
- the use of open technologies to reduce prices thanks to the competitive environment
- easier diagnosis and prediction of faults
- lower operating costs
- centralisation of logic functions
The calculation was made as a basis for the meeting of the Safety Commission of the Ministry of Transport.
The calculation was prepared according to the SFDI rules (Compendium for valuation of railway of constructions in the feasibility study and project plan stage).